Vision –
“Enlighten the needy to be better.”
“To enlighten social and economically backward students.”
Objectives –
This college is located in the remote tribal area where higher education is highly neglected. The primary aim is to impart higher education to the rural students belonging to SC/ST/OBC and economically poor class.
- To aware tribal and remote rural students and provide higher education to them.
- To give them the opportunity to be at par with others.
- To help them decide the right path and right approach towards their goals.
- To make them a good human.
- To harness and sustain young tribal & rural talent in sports.
“ महाविद्यालय की भावी योजनाएँ ”
- आधारभूत सुविधाओं में सतत वृद्धि
- शोध एवं अनुसंधान में वृद्धि
- रोज़गारोन्मुखी पाठ्यक्रमों का प्रारम्भ
- खेल सुविधाओं में वृद्धि
- गुणवत्ता युक्त शिक्षण प्रणाली पर ज़ोर
- शिक्षण में तकनीक का समावेश
- छात्रों को नैतिक शिक्षा का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान