


ATR -23-24

“Feedback ATR


S No Proposals in IQAC Meeting Date Action Taken Date
1 Installation of Bio Matrix for the teaching and non-teaching staff 05.10.15 Bio Matrix attendance for Staff installed- 2016
2 Renovation of Boy’s and Girl’s lavatories 05.10.15 Completed and renovated with the help and assistance of Jasn Bhagidari Samiti- 2017
3 Feedback forms from the students 20.01.16 Feedback form collected from the students 2018
4 Website of the College 20.01.16 Activated. 8.06.16
5 Alumni cell formation 20.1.16 Alumni Society Registered and activated 19.1.17
6 Academic Audit for the departments 05.07.16 Academic audit initiated 02.01.17
7 Free wi-fi hotspots for the students 05.07.16 Wifi spots activated 20.04.17
8 ICT knowledge for Staff & Office 18.02.2019 Staff members prepared online lectures for their classes and virtual seminars initiated in Covid Pandemic 25.06.2020